DigitalWell Delivers Two New Apps to Genesys AppFoundry

Email Attachment Viewer and Reserve Agent are the two latest apps from DigitalWell to appear in the Genesys AppFoundry.

DigitalWell Delivers Two New Apps to Genesys AppFoundry

Dublin, Ireland, 3rd May 2024 – One of Ireland’s leading business communications companies, DigitalWell, has developed two new apps for the Genesys AppFoundry marketplace. Genesys, a world renowned CX firm providing solutions to more than 8000 organisations in 100 countries, developed AppFoundry as a repository for its partners to bring new apps and services to its award-winning contact centre platform.

DigitalWell’s recent additions, Email Attachment Viewer and Reserve Agent, are just the latest in a series of developments designed to offer additional useful new features and functionality to the Genesys Cloud customer community.

Email Attachment Viewer assists agents in quickly verifying the content of files attached to emails before sending a response, reducing the risk of providing unintended and inappropriate access to sensitive data. An Email Attachment Viewer widget enables efficient review and confirmation of attached files, as well as version and any other content across one or multiple open emails.

The app will be of particular interest and benefit to enterprises operating in regulated sectors due to the sensitivity of the data they work with – particularly companies in the financial services, insurance and healthcare sectors.

Reserve Agent will be of great benefit to customer service operations wishing to optimise and ensure the availability of highly skilled agents to serve premium customers or interactions. The recruitment and resourcing of agents with in-demand expertise and competences is often a challenge for organisations.

The app allows businesses to reserve and guarantee the availability of agents to serve critical, high value interactions while ensuring they are still able to serve less critical business interaction streams when available. This is a common challenge for organisations struggling to control costs and reduce the need to over-resource with high value, skilled and potentially costly agents to ensure expected service levels for critical or high value customers.

As a Genesys Gold Partner, DigitalWell is committed to delivering solutions that offer enhanced value to customers. Martin Browne, CX Chief Technologist at DigitalWell, explains that more solutions are in development:

“We’re delighted to bring both Email Attachment Viewer and Reserve Agent applications to the Genesys AppFoundry. They represent a step forward in our continued mission to enable our customers and the wider user community to further leverage their investment in Genesys Cloud by providing them with additional tools and features that enhance their ability to deliver a high quality, efficient and secure service to customers.

We’re also pleased to announce that these applications represent only the start of our efforts to bring elegant and simple-to-use solutions to the Genesys Cloud community to address commonly identified feature gaps and user needs, and that we are actively working on delivering on a strong development roadmap.”

Obtain additional information on DigitalWell CX technologies and service offerings here.