
Supercharge performance and encourage happier employees and customers.

Gamification offers agents clear performance targets, measurables and self-tracking capabilities to keep motivation high.

At the heart of contact centres are agents, so it’s important to ensure they’re as well equipped as possible to perform strongly for your business. Gamification also enables contact centre leaders to better manage their teams and provide on-the-job learning for a more able and confident workforce.

All together, it drives positive behaviours for better customer service and higher job satisfaction.

Benefits & Features

Increased productivity

Using gamification can see a 12% increase in team and individual productivity as clear performance targets and self-tracking is enabled. Offering more autonomy and insight helps to encourage agents’ performance and priorities.

Increased upsells

With a clear target or bonus, upsells can increase by 50%.

Faster onboarding

Gamification can include an education element for agents to learn on-the-job and become more competent faster. Measuring AHT, FCR and more highlights the gaps in knowledge and where and how to fill those in.

Increased customer satisfaction and loyalty

A motivated and engaged agent will be driven to serve their customer, and present the brand positively. The result? A happy customer who remains loyal and wants to return time after time.