Microsoft Teams

Elevate your meetings with one of the best in-class all-round solutions today.

Microsoft Teams is the easy way to collaborate, meet and call colleagues and customers alike.

Working seamlessly with the rest of Microsoft Office and MS365, Microsoft Teams can be automatically integrated into your existing processes and workflows thanks to its intuitive design and superior UX.

The simple call and meet functions, and easy file sharing allows inter- and intradepartmental projects and discussions to steam ahead whether everyone is in the same office, or remote working.

Microsoft Teams makes communication simple, clear and consistent.

Benefits & Features


Every meeting made in Teams and Outlook automatically generates a link to join the meeting online. As well as a link, local phone numbers are available for those who need to dial in.


Don’t worry if you’ve accidentally deleted the email notification with the meeting link. The Teams calendar keeps track of all meetings, and includes a simple ‘Join’ button for quick access.

Meeting functions

The option to go on mute, turn off video and change background are available before you even join the meeting. If there are already several people in the meeting, muting is automatically suggested to minimise disruption.

Live captions

To be truly inclusive, live caption functionality is available to those who are deaf, hard of hearing or people with different levels of learning proficiency.


Just as if you were in one room, presenting is made easy with the options to share a single window, start a Whiteboarding session, and present a PowerPoint presentation.

Easier Chats

For one-to-one or specific group discussions, Chat enables instant messaging which includes rich text formats, file sharing, emoticons and more.

DigitalWell’s Unified Comms Products

DigitalWell’s roots are in unified comms solutions – in all scenarios and setups, we’ve seen what works for seamless internal and external communications, and work closely with our customers to achieve that.
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